Feb 15, 2024 | Gamification & game-based, Learning - news
Would you rather face a wall of knowledge here and now, memorize everything, and pass the exam by regurgitating it all, only to forget it later? Or would you prefer to take a daily knowledge pill and have time to understand it, metabolize it, and discuss it with...
Oct 19, 2023 | Gamification & game-based
Hackathons, online or in-person games, team challenges—these are just a few typical dynamics of gamification that, when applied in corporate settings, contribute to creating and solidifying a company culture. They make repetitive or monotonous tasks enjoyable and...
Jun 27, 2023 | Gamification & game-based
If you search online for “what is gamification,” you’ll find this definition: “Gamification is a technique that involves using playful mechanics in non-playful contexts.” Simple, clear, direct. Correct? No. Or at least not entirely. If...